Why urban design is important for our quality of life?

2 min readSep 10, 2023


Urban design is the planning and design of cities and towns, including their buildings, streets, parks, public spaces, etc. It’s a fascinating field that combines architecture, landscape, sociology, ecology and more.

One of the main principles of urban design is to create places that are human-scaled, meaning that they are comfortable and accessible for people of all ages and abilities. This means avoiding oversized buildings that dwarf the street, providing wide pavements and cycle lanes, providing shade and seating, and ensuring that amenities and services are within walking distance. Human-scale places promote social interaction, health and safety, and make us feel more connected to our surroundings.

Another principle of urban design is to create places that are diverse and inclusive, reflecting and accommodating the needs and preferences of different groups of people. This means ensuring that there is a variety of housing types and prices, land uses and activities, cultural and historical expressions, and modes of transport. Diverse and inclusive places promote equity, creativity and resilience, and make us feel more welcome and valued.

A third principle of urban design is to create places that are sustainable and resilient, minimising their impact on the environment and adapting to changing conditions. This means using renewable energy sources, reducing waste and pollution, conserving natural resources and biodiversity, and enhancing green infrastructure. Sustainable and resilient places protect our planet, our health and future generations, and give us a sense of responsibility and hope.

These are just some of the principles and aims of urban design, but there are many more. Urban design is not just about aesthetics or functionality, it is also about values and emotions. It shapes the way we live, work, play, learn and interact in our cities and towns. It affects our well-being, our identity and our sense of belonging.

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